Our Classes

Below is a comprehensive list of the various classes we have to offer.

Choose Your Style

With a wide range to choose from, Modern Arts Center houses some of the best teachers, providing you excellent resources to help improve your skillset. View some of our main classes below:


Join our classes for all age groups, split into two batches throughout the week.


Learn the basics of music theory and pick up popular tunes on the piano.

Classical Dance

Learn the ancient art of Classical Dance from India, embody the effortless works of Indian culture.

Western Dance

Hit the floor with the latest moves, mixing various styles of contemporary dance with the latest hits.


Ease your mind with stretches and poses that improve your core strength, physical ability and agility while enriching your chakras.

Classical Music

Learn the tradition of Carnatic and Hindustani Classical theory and melodies, understand the rich tunes of Indian music.

Join Modern Arts Center Today

Register Now For 10% Discount

Reach out to us today and mention the code “MAC10” to get a 10% discount for your first set of classes.

Opening Hours

Daily: 03:00 PM - 08:30 PM
*Special Timings available upon request



General Question

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